Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Best Bath and Body Works Fall Candles

 Bath and Body Works has a strong chokehold on the fall and winter seasons. They continuously release their addictive seasonal scents that people keep coming back to every single year, and I may be a victim of this myself. I have nearly all of their fall and winter collections ranging from body wash to candles. Therefore, I am quite the expert in the realm of fragrance, and I am loaded with advice and opinions on each and every one. 

Personally, I don’t like my body and my house smelling the same way. Likewise, there are some scents that work better for smelling up a room and some that are best worn on the body. 

Candles are one of the best ways to dabble in the holiday spirit. The Bath and Body Works candles last super long and deliver a strong, yet not overpowering, scent. Most importantly, I feel that fall scents must have some sort of musky/nature-esque or pumpkin aroma. 

Pumpkin Pecan Waffles is one of my go-to fall candle scents. You catch a whiff of freshly baked waffles generously doused in sweet, sugary maple syrup. Then, the strong pumpkin note reveals itself and blends perfectly with the sweetness of the syrup, with a hint of brown sugar. This is my all-time favorite Bath and Body Works candle. This candle is festive and homey and is fantastic for the cold weather. 

Leaves is a great candle from Bath and Body. Upon the first sniff, you catch a crisp clean smell of nature, followed by a spicy-apple fragrance. The two harmonize and produce an earthy, fruity scent. This candle is the best musky scent that Bath and Body Works has to offer. The earthy notes play into each other really well which seamlessly melts into the air. 

Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin is such a warm and comforting scent. The first aromatic note is cinnamon. The cinnamon combines with a cool vanilla latte with pumpkin cold foam. This candle is such a staple for fall. The blend of spicy and sweet is an extremely pleasing smell. 

Now, there are many candles that Bath and Body Works produces for seasonal changes, but these are the favorites that I buy over and over again. I would recommend these candles to anyone who needs advice on what scents are festive and comforting. 

1 comment:

  1. I got to agree with you, the Pumpkin Pecan Waffle is the best candle ever! I'm going to have to try the leaves one!


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